576 251 photos of houses and buildings in Russian Federation.

last update 2025/03/25 115

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Екатеринбург, Хрустальная, 37
В 2012 году в нашем доме по адресу ул. Хрустальная, 37 появился магазин Магнит. Перед открытием в магазине шесть месяцев шли ремонтные работы (причем круглосуточно). Уже тогда наша жизнь в собственной квартире стала невыносимой из-за шума и грохота. В 2013 году, после очередной реконструкции магазина, у нас в квартирах поползли стены, осыпалась штукатурка и т.д. Потом магазин в нарушение всех законодательных норм установил под жилыми квартирами промышленное холодильное оборудование, которое вообще запрещено устанавливать. А ещё под окнами жилых квартир ежедневно производится разгрузка продукции, что тоже является нарушением всех норм. Грохот от катания тележек приводит к вибрации полов, мебели и дребезжанию окон. Машины, которые приезжают разгружаться, ездят по тротуару и перегораживают пешеходную зону. Ходить с детьми и колясками рядом с магазином Магнит стало просто опасно.
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герб Mozhaysk


Фотографии многоквартирных домов, общественных и административных зданий и достопримечательностей

About Mozhaysk

Population: 30 ths
Founded: 1231
Pictures of buildings
(houses): 1234

Mozhaysk is a town in Moscow region. It’s located 110 km to the West from the capital. In May, 2012 the honorary title "The city of military glory" was assigned to Mozhaysk.

The industry of the town is presented by food and needle-working branches. JSC Mozhaysk Plant of the sterilized milk, a bread-baking complex, Mozhaisk garment factory function in the town.

"Nikolsk Mountain" is a historical center of Mozhaysk. Once there was a stone Kremlin on this hill, but it was disassembled in the 18th century. There are two cathedrals in the former territory of the Kremlin. One of them is a temple in the name of Peter and Paul the Apostles (or Old Nikolsky Cathedral) erected in stone in the 19th century. The temple was closed in the 30s of the 20th century. The building has been reconstructed for a movie theater. In 1992, the temple was returned to believers. The ancient bond and decor have been remained here. This is a cross-domed triapsidal church having four internal piers.

The second cathedral – New Nikolsky – was built at the beginning of the 19th century in pseudo-Gothic style. A knitted-goods factory was being located in the church during the soviet period. In 1994, the temple was transferred to believers. The cathedral of considerable dimensions can be seen from far away. It is decorated by Gothic arches, paintings, decorative components and a four-level bell tower with a high spike.

There is one more temple being an architectural monument of the 19th century in Mozhaysk. This is a temple in the name of Joachim and Anna, parents of the Blessed Virgin. It should be noted that the temple hasn't been closed in Soviet times. Thus, much of its interior decoration has been survived. The temple is cross-domed triapsidal; is completed by a dumb six-sided drum under a hipped roof. A two-storied bell tower is located nearby.

Along with above-mentioned sights, there are also other monuments of architecture in Mozhaysk. That is Luzhetsky monastery, S. Gerasimov’s house museum, estate of Hlebnikov-Rolle, etc.

Your location: Moscow region, запад, Mozhaysk